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NSHD-Eligibility of NEM application (English)

A consumer shall be considered eligible to apply for Net Metering when the following clauses or conditions are complied with :

1. Any three-phase consumer will be considered eligible for the net metering system.

2. The output AC capacity of the renewable energy converter can be a maximum of 70% with respect to the consumer’s sanctioned load.

3. The prosumer should be a current customer of the Utility that is responsible for the supply of electricity in the area.

4. New applicants for electrical connections, can apply for net metering while applying for new connection, following the net metering guidelines.

5. The applicant should not have any outstanding arrears prior to making the application.

6. Only electricity that is produced from renewable energy sources is can be connected to grid under net metering.

7. The applicant must either be the legal owner or have the legal permission from the owner(s) or his legal representative(s) to install the proposed renewable energy system in the premise.

8. Any empty space on the roof or facades of buildings, car parking areas, garages, factories or industrial buildings or sheds or similar buildings are suitable. Also, land within the consumer’s own premises or any other suitable area accepted by Utility where Utility meter exists.

9. The prosumer shall consume the electricity at the point of RE electricity generation, and only export the excess amount to the grid.

10. Interconnection standards shall comply with the interconnection rules and standards set by the Utility or other relevant governing authority.

11. The maximum output (AC) capacity of the installed RE system under NEM cannot be more than 10 MW.

12. In case of a medium-voltage (MV) consumers, the installed capacity of the renewable energy system cannot be more than 70% of the rated capacity of the distribution transformer or, cumulative capacity of the distribution transformers.